3-8-0 (27.05.2024)
- Icon Font 2.13 - Update #FROK-671
- FROK UI breaks because of additional hidden "input" element in checkbox #FROK-655
- Wrong behaviour for buttons inside input fields #FROK-687
3-7-0 (06.05.2024)
- Custom tab focus state #FROK-477
- HTML tag caption (for table) #FROK-615
- Link - "look-alike-integrated button" variant is missing #FROK-632
- Breadcrumb #FROK-72
- Add Input value modificator with validation and notification #FROK-126
- Add Input value modificator with validation and notification #FROK-126
- Add Input value modificator with validation and notification #FROK-126
- Add Input value modificator with validation and notification #FROK-126
- Menu item (standard) #FROK-641
- Menu item (standard) - Update components that use it #FROK-642
- Footer social media icons update #FROK-667
- Text field update: Typing state & Integrated text field #FROK-636
- Current Color System Update (Contrast BG / Dark Mode) #FROK-648
- Minimal Header - Side navigation visually not correct #FROK-677
- Input Fields - disabled state is not always correct #FROK-633
- Button - wrong padding #FROK-629
- fix scaling issue after rem() removal #FROK-646
- FROK website uses old Cookie Manager (v2) #FROK-644
- Chip - Scaling of image not working #FROK-654
- Fix Links on FROK Start Page #FROK-658
- No event is raised if values are changed by value modificator buttons. #FROK-581
- Details tag: wrong behaviour #FROK-618
- Nested Popover - wrong arrow position #FROK-650
- Header - A11Y findings #FROK-659
- Bade color update #FROK-662
- Use of scss function
without interpolation #FROK-355
3-6-0 (11.01.2024)
- Icon font 2.12.0 update #FROK-617
- HTML Tag fieldset styling #FROK-614
- HTML tags optgroup and select #FROK-616
- Popover rework #FROK-517
- Chip – Icon and Label #FROK-603
- Progress indicator - Disabled state #FROK-604
- BUG: Text field tab-focus problem #FROK-606
- Search Field - Reset Button is wrong #FROK-593
- Accessibility issues on the
- Rework of
3-5-0 (30.11.2023)
- Animated icons #FROK-509
- Link accessibility-docupedia page #FROK-602
- Slider vertical #FROK-555
- HTML tags: "meter" #FROK-567
- HTML tag: "details" #FROK-569
- Toggle design should not be made out of label #FROK-576
- Gatsby console warnings on Slider component #FROK-583
- File upload disabled status bug #FROK-599
- Slider - Fix the visual regression tests #FROK-545
- Dialog - Fix the visual regression tests #FROK-546
- Video - Fix the visual regression tests #FROK-547
- Form Field - Fix the visual regression tests #FROK-548
- Lightbox - Fix the visual regression tests #FROK-549
- "Uncaught TypeError: n.searchForm is null" if header is used without serach functionality (v3.2.0) #FROK-580
- Accessibility issues on the button element #FROK-594
- Accessibility issues on the slider element #FROK-596
- A11Y - Dialog bug #FROK-600
3-4-0 (27.07.2023)
- Update Bosch Icon fonts to version 2.11.0 #FROK-577
3-3-0 (19.07.2023)
- Form input: Native file upload element #FROK-562
- Form input: Legend for fieldsets #FROK-563
- Form input: Color input #FROK-564
- Form input: Read only attribute for text inputs #FROK-478
- Refactor FROK dialog component to use native
- Accordion - arrow down button on secondary / constrast background #FROK-553
- Form input: Simple standard inputs types #FROK-561
BUG Header (keyboard navigation) #FROK-543
Footer Spacing #FROK-481
Unset Dark mode for the scroll hints (gradients) in the TabNavigation #FROK-573
3-2-0 (19.04.2023)
- Text fields: placeholder text colors #FROK-501
- Header links underlined #FROK-538
- Tab Navigation Topics #FROK-450
- Dropdown label alignment (Firefox) #FROK-508
- Page indicator numbered: Interaction colors wrong #FROK-465
- Toggle/Switch focus #FROK-537
- Minimal header overlapping issues #FROK-403
- Overlapping burger icons when using minimal header without contrast #FROK-473
- Warning: critical dependency #FROK-475
- e-container - optical "error" #FROK-498
3-1-0 (19.12.2022)
- license change from ISC to "Bosch Property" on demand of Bosch Legal Department. more, #FROK-476
- update of Bosch Icon Fonts to version 2.9.0 #FROK-495
- update of UI Icon Fonts to version 2.1.0 #FROK-479
- webpack integration #FROK-483
- Chip close icon not clickable #FROK-270
- Tab navigation Select indicator and bottom line color schemes #FROK-445
3-0-0 (31.08.2022)
- Update color schemes #FROK-457
- Activity Indicator (accessability audit) #FROK-411
- Badge (accessability audit) #FROK-412
- Button (accessability audit) #FROK-413
- Chip (accessability audit) #FROK-414
- Link (accessability audit) #FROK-415
- Rating (accessability audit) #FROK-416
- Switch (accessability audit) #FROK-417
- Text field (accessability audit) #FROK-418
- Tooltip (accessability audit) #FROK-419
- Value modifier #FROK-420
- Menu item (accessability audit) #FROK-421
- Text area (accessability audit) #FROK-422
- Search form (accessability audit) #FROK-423
- Language selector (accessability audit) #FROK-424
- Accordion (accessability audit) #FROK-425
- Context Menu (accessability audit) #FROK-426
- Dialog (accessability audit) #FROK-427
- Lightbox (accessability audit) #FROK-428
- Notification (accessability audit) #FROK-429
- Option Bar (accessability audit) #FROK-430
- Page Indicator (accessability audit) #FROK-431
- Popover (accessability audit) #FROK-432
- Progress Indicator (accesability audit) #FROK-433
- Slider (accessability audit) #FROK-434
- Step Indicator (accessability audit) #FROK-435
- Selectable Tile (accessability audit) #FROK-436
- Table (accessability audit) #FROK-437
- Tab Navigation (accessability audit) #FROK-438
- Box (accessability audit) #FROK-439
- Side navigation (accessability audit) #FROK-440
- update of Bosch Icon Fonts to version 2.8.0 #FROK-362
- update of UI Icon Fonts to version 2.0.0 #FROK-364
- update progress indicator #FROK-366
- create integrated primary link component #FROK-369
- update technical link #FROK-384
- added Side Navigation menu animation #FROK-409
- Fixed Footer component #FROK-382
- Fixed z-index in ContextMenu component #FROK-328
- Fixed Checkbox background in ContextMenu #FROK-330
- Fixed Floating Background with(out) shadow #FROK-333
- Fixed Menu flickering on group exapand #FROK-356
- Fixed Hamburger icon not centered in SideMenu #FROK-357
- Fixed Menu flickering on group exapand #FROK-356
- Fixed Buttons with fixed width and icon #FROK-372
- Fixed wrong inner margins in Tile #FROK-402
- Fixed LightBox ui elements missing #FROK-451
- Fixed TableCell light height issue #FROK-452
- Fixed Tile hover color wrong on contrast bg #FROK-453
- Fixed Primary link in a table column has wrong alignment #FROK-304
- Fixed wrong max-widht in layout container #FROK-365
- Fixed Accordion #FROK-387
- Fixed wrong color scheme in stickers #FROK-388
- Fixed Radio button with outline missing and label in two lines #FROK-399
- Fixed Accordion omponent is not focusable #FROK-405
2-2-0 (15.03.2022)
- add Star Rating component #FROK-349
- add Sticker component #FROK-351
- add Accordion component #FROK-352
- add Selectable Tile component #FROK-353
- update of Bosch Icon Fonts to version 2.7.0 #FROK-362
- update of UI Icon Fonts to version 1.4.0 #FROK-380
2-1-2 (17.02.2022)
- add Lighthouse test #FROK-363
- Fixed horizontal scrollbar in overview pages #FROK-359
2-1-1 (12.01.2022)
- Update docu page about access to the distribution package #FROK-354
2-1-0 (09.11.2021)
- Slider: changes aligned with DDS #FROK-287
- upgrade of npm dependencies and fixed vurnabilities #FROK-345
- Popover: fixed problem with positioning #FROK-133
- check and fix all components regarding accesibility #FROK-347
2-0-1 (11.10.2021)
- remove Gatsby package from distribution dependency list #FROK-343
2-0-0 (04.10.2021)
- add dark mode of all components #FROK-271
- adjustment of color schemes #FROK-303
- migration script to ease process of migration to new color schemes #FROK-316
- change text and icon color in Notifications to black, remove validation states in Core components, add icons to all Notifications types #FROK-228
- adapt FROK platform styling towards developed components #FROK-206
- header: design aligned with a new design of #FROK-327
1-3-1 (02.08.2021)
- password field: unwanted icon appears in MS Edge #FROK-326
- table style is broken without gatsby #FROK-323
1-3-0 (06.07.2021)
- added Header extension towards software / minimal header #FROK-203
- added Footer extension towards software / minimal footer #FROK-204
- added Side Navigation component #FROK-205
- added Step Indicator component #FROK-182
- added Badge component #FROK-198
- added Context Menu component #FROK-199
- added Main Container component #FROK-215
- Slider extenstion towards label #FROK-181
- Table design adaption towards software #FROK-201
- Notification update #FROK-174
- Added close button to the search field component #FROK-169
- Change slider tooltip to component tooltip #FROK-103
- Added additional, optional button to dialog component #FROK-147
- Clean up icon usage: checkbox, dropdown, icon, notification small (deleted), page indicator, textArea, textField, valueModificator, dialog, formField (all variants), header, footer #FROK-189
- fixed Notification: icon overlays scrollbar #FROK-297
- fixed Textfield: password visible button toggle #FROK-305
1-2-0 (05.05.2021)
- added label to Language Selector component #FROK-269
- reduced width of Dialog component #FROK-282
- text overlays the label in TextArea component #FROK-176
- TableCell default background overlays underlying layers #FROK-259
- Checkbox breaks with line break in label #FROK-267
- Dialogs do not work in WebComponents with shadow dom enabled #FROK-273
- Scrollbar in Dialogs appears only when needed #FROK-274
- Checkbox overlap of notification icon #FROK-277
- Removed border around Navigation on hover #FROK-279
- Text field with longer label gets scrollbar #FROK-281
- Link-Arrow does not changes the color on hover/pressed. FROK-283
- Fixed Notification Banner FROK-284
- Option bar item (with Icon and without Label) got a wrong padding. #FROK-285
- Wrong color scheme for progress indicator background #FROK-286
- Checkbox input element width #FROK-291
- Validated Password Field & Value Modificator: icon overlays label #FROK-294
- sharing of the FROK npm package from BDC Artifactory in FE-Artifactory #FROK-265
- update of Bosch icons to version 2.5 #FROK-280
- reimplementation of Lightbox component #FROK-132
- upgraded 3rd parties dependencies #FROK-272
- included Terms of Use #FROK-232
- added css and sass variables to represent bosch icons #FROK-302
1-1-3 (26.03.2021)
- added scrolling to dialog component
- removed label from close button
1-1-2 (25.03.2021)
- added missing Copyright notices of 3rd parties to distributed code
1-1-1 (23.03.2021)
- added Banner text to FROK files
- added use of $font-base-path variable in bosch-icon font definition
- changed font's loading basepath from '/' to './'
1-1-0 (11.03.2021)
- add Header component
- add Footer component
- add OptionBar component
- add TabNavigation component
- add SearchForm component
- add SearchField component
- add LanguageSelector component
- add Breadcrumb component
- add Integrated Button variant
- add visual regression tests
- integration with Google Tag Manager
- integration with Cookie Manager Cookie Manager
- added Impressum to the footer
- source code migration to the BDC Github
- integration with BDC Artifactory
- configured a new domain for FROK preview:
- changed name of the package to @bosch/frontend.kit-npm
- updated notification component
- updated dropdown component
- updated link component
1-0-7 (18.01.2021)
- fixed Input field round corners in Edge #FROK-179
- fixed Popover Box-shadow arrow #FROK-94
- fixed Dropdown full length #FROK-180
1-0-6 (08.12.2020)
- fixed round corners in button component in Edge browser
1-0-5 (27.11.2020)
- changed Notification component
1-0-4 (25.11.2020)
- added new version 2.4 of Brand Guide icons
- fixed image without caption in preview
1-0-3 (17.11.2020)
- add Demo page of integration FroK + React
- change name of npm package to @rb-ui/frontend.kit-npm
- update of green color to be compliant with Brand Guide
1-0-2 (10.10.2020)
- update Textarea cmomponent
- update TextField component
1-0-1 (27.08.2020)
- change absolute to relative pathes in FROK resources
- update overview pages
1-0-0 (19.08.2020)
- add Overview page for Button, Link, TextArea and TextField component
- add Dropdown component
- add UiIcon to Icon page
- add Chip component
- add Notification component
- add Page Indicator component
- add Progress Indicator page
- add Slider component
- add Table component
- add Tooltip component
- add Value Modificator component
- add Jest Snapshot tests
- add smoke tests
- update compliance with ADA standard (accessibility)
- update documentation: How to use, CI/CD pipeline
0-5-0 (03.04.2020)
- add Box component
- add Icon component
- add Notification component
- add TextArea component
- add TextField component
- add Dialog component
- add FormField component
- add Popover component
- add Form component
- add API Demonstrator
- add Descriptions folder to each component
- add Demonstrators folder to the components using it (Link, Background, Box, Divider, Icon, Notification, Typography, Dialog, Popover, Form Field and Form)
- remove Chip component
- remove Modal component
- remove NonModal component
- remove PageIndicator component
- remove Pin component
- remove Tooltip component
- remove descriptiveName value from each component
- update Button component's style after Design Review
- update Checkbox component's style after Design Review
- update List component's style after Design Review
- update RadioButton component's style after Design Review
- update Toggle component's style after Design Review
- update Landing page’s style after Design Review
- update Code snippets’ style
- update Typography's definition
- update Documentation
- update Landing page’s content
- rename Switch component to “Toggle”
- change Build pipeline
- Activity Indicator: fixed animation for IE11
- Divider component: updated vertical divider for IE11
- Image component: add „defaultSrc“ prop
- Link component: updated arrow icon for IE11
- Video component: add file extension references
- add ActivityIndicator component
- add Background component
- add Button component
- add Checkbox component
- add Chip component
- add Divider component
- add List component
- add PageIndicator component
- add Pin component
- add RadioButton component
- add Switch component
- add Tooltip component
- add Modal component
- add NonModal component
- add Video component
- add Basic Tab to present default Styling related to Typography Update
- add optional description and demo integration on guide sites for components
- add first vanilla.js implementation in PageIndicator component
- add loading of demo.js files to present behavior of vanilla.js components
- refactor typography and usage inside of Test / TestImage component
- adjust build step of markdown files to speed up development process
- first build of frontend-kit
- add build step to generate components from config files
- add example component to display variants of background
- add text component
- add image component
- add textImage component
- add link component
- add styling for preview site
- add compiling of frontend-kit.js and frontend-kit.css
table of content
- 3-8-0 (27.05.2024)
- 3-7-0 (06.05.2024)
- 3-6-0 (11.01.2024)
- 3-5-0 (30.11.2023)
- 3-4-0 (27.07.2023)
- 3-3-0 (19.07.2023)
- 3-2-0 (19.04.2023)
- 3-1-0 (19.12.2022)
- 3-0-0 (31.08.2022)
- 2-2-0 (15.03.2022)
- 2-1-2 (17.02.2022)
- 2-1-1 (12.01.2022)
- 2-1-0 (09.11.2021)
- 2-0-1 (11.10.2021)
- 2-0-0 (04.10.2021)
- 1-3-1 (02.08.2021)
- 1-3-0 (06.07.2021)
- 1-2-0 (05.05.2021)
- 1-1-3 (26.03.2021)
- 1-1-2 (25.03.2021)
- 1-1-1 (23.03.2021)
- 1-1-0 (11.03.2021)
- 1-0-7 (18.01.2021)
- 1-0-6 (08.12.2020)
- 1-0-5 (27.11.2020)
- 1-0-4 (25.11.2020)
- 1-0-3 (17.11.2020)
- 1-0-2 (10.10.2020)
- 1-0-1 (27.08.2020)
- 1-0-0 (19.08.2020)
- 0-5-0 (03.04.2020)
- 0-1-0
- 0-0-1