Browser support

Browser Version
Chrome 105
Firefox 121
Safari 15.4 - Mac OS 10.15 Catalina+
Edge 105

Internet Explorer 11 support

The Frontend Kit does not work on Internet Explorer 11 due to multiple technologies that the Browser does not support.

Reasoning behind not supporting Internet Explorer 11

Internet Explorer does not support crucial technological developments of recent years. Because of that, supporting IE11 for the few users it has, would mean we will prevent an up-to-date user experience from users of modern web browsers. In addition, it would mean that we will prevent the developers and intern users of the Frontend Kit from a better developer experience.

Usage of unsupported css features

  • The Frontend Kit is built using CSS Custom Properties (variables) for color declarations across the project, which are not supported by Internet Explorer 11. Therefore component's colors are not guaranteed to appear correctly in IE11.

  • The Frontend Kit uses CSS Grid across several components as a layout system, a feature which is only partially supported by Internet Explorer 11. Some components use FlexBox as well, which is supported.

    Therefore, components layout in IE11 might be unexpected.


While polyfills are implemented in the bundling process, it is done only for versions of browsers that we support and not for Internet Explorer 11.

Possible usage in Internet Explorer 11

To support Internet Explorer 11, a website that uses the Frontend Kit will need to:

  • Remove Custom Properties or include a polyfill to support it in IE11.
  • Include general polyfills for support on IE11, to resolve smaller issues.
  • Remove CSS Grid.

These steps will lower the quality of the Frontend Kit and even then, results might be unexpected and fully functioning website might be unachieveable.

Due to the information above, it is highly advised to not use the Frontend Kit for websites that should run on Internet Explorer 11.