Tech stack

This is a short overview about the tech stack we choose and the thoughts behind it.

React as template engine

In the old Clickdummy projects the template engine was always handlebars. We wanted to change this, because of the following reasons:

  • the template file is overloaded with a ton of usage of helper functions
  • no proper indentation of template files possible, for example with the use of prettier
  • the bigger the component, the less it is readable

With the usage of React as a template engine, we have all the power of JSX in our hands. The following are some of the benefits:

  • with JSX we are able to specify powerful templates which are easily reusable
  • we are able to specify types for our templates we use
  • no helper libraries needed because of the capabilities of JSX

TypeScript usage

typesafe interfaces compile errors usage across the project (other than parcel bundler stuff)